


Rectangular single leaf or double leaf doors that are robust and ensure only minimal leakage even in case of large differential pressures

  • Maximum width of 1100 mm, maximum height of 2115 mm
  • Maximum pressure loading of 1000 Pa, in closing direction; reinforced construction for up to 2000 Pa
  • Air leakage rate of approx. 0.6 l/s or 2 m³/h at 1000 Pa (for each door leaf)
  • Double skin door leaf made of galvanised sheet steel and with mineral wool infill
  • Door frame made of angle sections or U-channel sections
  • Two double lever locking devices, can be operated from both sides
  • APT rubber seal, temperature resistant up to 90 °C
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Sound insulating lining
  • Reinforced construction
  • Any combination of cylinder rim lock, mortice lock, pressure relief valve, inspection window and removable exterior locking levers
  • Powder-coated for outdoor installation

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Rectangular single leaf inspection access doors that are robust and ensure only minimal leakage even in case of large differential pressures

  • Minimum width of 300 mm, minimum height of 300 mm
  • Maximum width of 800 mm, maximum height of 800 mm
  • Maximum pressure loading of 1000 Pa, in closing direction, up to nominal size 600 × 600 mm 2000 Pa
  • Air leakage rate of approx. 0.6 l/s or 2 m³/h at 1000 Pa, up to nominal size 600 × 600 mm approx. 1.1 l/s or 4 m³/h at 2000 Pa
  • Double skin door leaf made of galvanised sheet steel and with mineral wool infill
  • Door frame made of angle sections
  • Double lever locking device, can be operated from both sides
  • APT rubber seal, temperature resistant up to 90 °C
  • Available in standard sizes and many intermediate sizes

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Cylinder rim lock, mortice lock, inspection window and removable exterior locking lever
  • Powder-coated for outdoor installation

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Molimo Vas da navedete sadržinu poruke i vrstu zahteva
Tel.: +381 11 2622 543 | Fax: +49 (0)2845/202-265

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